What a fantastic term it has been.
As the winter months have rolled in and the days have been getting darker, the children in Butterfly Class have been exploring many different types of learning.
We have been learning The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff for our Core Story. To help us learn this traditional tale, we used props to tell the story, we followed a story map to help us learn the words, and we also told the story in a non-verbal way. This means we used only sounds and props to tell the tale. It was lots of fun!
In our play, we enjoyed building dens using fabrics and cardboard, and we thought a lot about the different types of shapes that we could use to make shelters.
We’ve also loved exploring cars by lining them up, rolling them down tubes and ramps and creating car tracks around the classroom.
Outside, we’ve been very busy in the sand pit. There’s been lots of exploration of volcanoes and adding water to the sand to make a volcano.
In the brick area, we’ve enjoyed designing and building different vehicles, such as boats, motorbikes and cars.
To end the term, we had lots of fun preparing for Christmas. We learnt all about advent and made our own advent calendar. We even burned a candle each day to think about the days running up to Christmas when Jesus was born. We explained to the children that this is a Christian festival and not everyone in the world celebrates Christmas.
Things became very glittery when we designed our own Christmas cards and salt dough decorations. We used our fine motor skills to thread bells onto pipe cleaners and wove them around a stick to make jingle bells.
It was lovely to see so many families come into nursery and join us at our Christmas party. We sang songs together and then completed activities such as gluing sequins onto wooden decorations, threading beads, making pipe cleaner tree decorations, and decorating biscuits with icing sugar and sprinkles.
It’s been a busy but fun term, and we’re definitely all ready for a well-deserved rest.
Look after each other over the Christmas holidays, and we will see you all on the 2nd of January.